
Land for sale in Lagos

Land for sale in Lagos:Royal Court Gardens

Royal court garden is a land for sale in Lagos. It’s a dry land and as such requires no piling or sand-filling but raft foundation.

Land For Sale in Lagos:Location

Royal Court gardens is located in Ibeju-Lekki. Behind Amen Estate. About 3 minutes’drive from Eleko junction. The estate is a 5 minutes’ drive to the prestigious Lekki Free Trade Zone and 10 minutes’ drive to Dangote Refinery,Lagos lekki Sea port

Other Landmarks

Other Landmarks within the neighborhood include Amen Estate, Lagos State Golf Course, Free Trade Zone, Dangote Refinery, Dangote Fertilizer Gas Plant, Cargo Port Construction, Seaport Construction, La Champagne Tropicana Beach Resort and Island International Airport and many more.


  • Security
  • Perimeter Fencing
  • Drainage
  • Paved Road
  • Light
  • Swimming Pool
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Guest House

Size of the plots

We have two plot sizes measuring 500sqm and 342sqm

Price for Royal Court Gardens

Land for sale in Lagos@# 5,200,000 for a plot measuring 500sqm payable in 24 months

# 3,120,000 for a plot measuring 300sqm payable in 24 months

Land for sale in Lagos: Statutory Documents

Approved Survey plan and Land Cert Number:

Approved Layout with Global C-of-O
Registered Survey

About Gasvine Properties Limited

Gasvine Properties Limited is a registered Real Estate Development Company authorized to carry out all kinds of Building Construction, Property Management, Business Development Consultancy, Feasibility & Viability Appraisals, Project Packaging, Branding, Property Marketing and Sales Services for Companies, Government, Institutions, Individuals etc. with satisfaction guaranteed.

Gasvine Properties Limited  is incorporated as a Limited Liability Company under the Companies and Allied Matters Acts with registration number RC: 1340865.


We are a team of enthusiastic and dedicated real estate professionals always on hand to provide property investment opportunities and insightful advice on all your property needs.

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Have a conversation with the Experts at Gasvine Properties Limited today. Contact us for your real estate needs

Why Gasvine Properties?

  • Elimination of Risk:Buying landed properties involves high rates of risk as some
    miscreants use it as an avenue to defraud people. Gasvine Properties limited manages those risks for you. ‘No OMO-NILE wahala’.
  • Development:provides infrastructure in the estate which include: Roads,
    Drainages, Electricity, Perimeter Fence etc. habitable and increases in value.
  • Flexible Payment Plan: Gasvine Properties limited allows people to pay as low as N1,073 monthly over a period of time. This allows you to pay at your own convenience.
  • Affordability: We sale at a competitive price and also give you great value.
  • Assurance of Genuine Title: You are to get all your documentation as regards your
    property once your payment is fully completed.
  • We provide houses for all classes of people: the low, the middle and the upper

Gasvine Properties Locations

Gasvine Properties Limited has four(4) developing estates to its credit; Dreamland Gardens (Mowe-Ofada), Onyx Gardens (Asaba), Royal Court (Ibeju-Lekki) and Sun City Gardens (Owerri).

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